
Great Beginnings Surrogacy Services (GBSS) Compensation

  First Time Surrogates
Full-Time Employed
First Time Surrogates
Stay At Home
Experienced Surrogates
Full-Time Employed
Experienced Surrogates
Stay At Home
California Surrogates $76,500 $71,500 $120,000+ $115,000+
Out-of-State Surrogates $71,500 $66,500 $110,000+ $115,000+
Additional Benefits C-Section: $7,500 | Medical Insurance: $700 monthly premium (paid by IPs) | Life Insurance: $500,000 | Benefit: Breast Milk Service: $500/week | Spousal Lost Wages: $750
Special Arrangements The GBSS Team is always looking to make your journey a great experience. If you need special considerations, we will work on your behalf to negotiate those needs.

GBSS Compensation ~ Imagine the possibilities 

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California Surrogates

First Time Surrogates Full-Time Employed $76,500
First Time Surrogates Stay At Home $71,500
Experienced Surrogates Full-Time Employed $115,000+
Experienced Surrogates Stay At Home $110,000+
Additional Benefits C-Section: $7,500 | Medical Insurance: $700 monthly premium (paid by IPs) | Life Insurance: $500,000 | Benefit: Breast Milk Service: $500/week | Spousal Lost Wages: $750
Special Arrangements The GBSS Team is always looking to make your journey a great experience. If you need special considerations, we will work on your behalf to negotiate those need.
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Out of State Surrogates

First Time Surrogates Full-Time Employed $71,500
First Time Surrogates Stay At Home $66,500
Experienced Surrogates Full-Time Employed $120,000+
Experienced Surrogates Stay At Home $115,000+
Additional Benefits C-Section: $7,500 | Medical Insurance: $700 monthly premium (paid by IPs) | Life Insurance: $500,000 | Benefit: Breast Milk Service: $500/week | Spousal Lost Wages: $750
Special Arrangements The GBSS Team is always looking to make your journey a great experience. If you need special considerations, we will work on your behalf to negotiate those need.

Basic Requirements

Be sure to check our basic requirements below.

Between ages 21-39
Uncomplicated pregnancy history
Healthy, stable lifestyle
U.S. citizen or permanent resident

5-Step Surrogacy Process

Clinic Cycle

How Surrogacy Works

Great Beginnings Surrogacy Services specializes in gestational surrogacy so your eggs will not be used. Instead, you will receive an embryo transfer so you will carry the pregnancy without contributing any genetic material.

Gestational surrogacy means a surrogate carries a baby created through in vitro fertilization (IVF). IVF starts by retrieving mature eggs from the Intended Mother (or Egg Donor) and then fertilizing the eggs with sperm from the Intended father (or Sperm Donor) to form an embryo outside the body.

Rest assured, though you’ll carry the baby, you are not the biological mother, since your eggs are not part of the process. This means the baby is genetically related to the Intended Parents, not you.

Here is what our Surrogates are saying about us

There is no Us without You

GBSS stands with you, side by side, to face whatever may come as a team. Surrogacy is not for everyone because it is not easy. It takes incredible women committed to achieving her Intended Parents’ goal of a family. GBSS has the honor and privilege of witnessing firsthand the strength, grace, courage and eternal optimism of GBSS surrogates making baby dreams come true. We believe you do the hard part. We are dedicated to making your journey as smooth as possible. We focus our collective knowledge and energy to obtain everything you need to insure you feel seen and appreciated. We sometimes struggle to find the words to express how much we appreciate each and every surrogate in our GBSS SurroSisterhood!

Why Intended Parents Need Surrogates


Your Incredible Journey to Help Families Grow Starts Here!

Surrogacy is a wonderful option for individuals and couples, no matter their background or relationship status. Same-sex couples who want to have a biological child, individuals facing fertility struggles, or couples seeking to grow their families all rely on surrogates to help bring their dreams to life.

Great Beginnings Surrogacy Services (GBSS) will guide you through the entire process, making sure you feel supported, informed, and empowered every step of the way. From matching with intended parents through delivery, we make each stage of your journey smooth and fulfilling. Your GBSS team is here to create your best possible surrogacy experience.

Let GBSS help you step into a beautiful, life-changing journey you’ll always remember.